
Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012

4 ways to attract good secret pharmacists in pharmacy

Pharmacy directors and hiring managers: Do not you wish you could be always full and never have to worry about hiring or pharmacists get coverage when you need it?

There are more candidates to choose from in this competitive labor market, but pharmacies are reporting that it takes time to find the right candidate. There are more candidates to sift through. In fact, many pharmacies are now using all the pharmacist, and you want to ensure that the pharmacist is a good investment.

Secret # 1: Pharmacists are discouraged by the lack of fulfillment in their work.

SOLUTION: The more you are able to provide a good mix of clinical staff / the ability to participate in non-routine work and provide a sense of contribution beyond the distribution, the easier time you will attract a good pharmacist.

Take an interest not only in professional development and career of the pharmacist, but also offer the opportunity for personal growth. Thus, to develop the ability to manage your pharmacist for different situations and not in the best pharmaceuticals for their patients. This may involve training teleseminar, training, live events, books, CDs in areas outside the pharmacy.

Share with your potential hires as his business is different to foster personal growth and fulfillment of their jobs. This alone will make your business more attractive than others.

Secret # 2: Pharmacists are thinking more about the stability of our days. Talking to pharmacists, my observations of what has changed in the last year is that pharmacists are more cautious with your research if a company is financially sound or not. Some are concerned about working for small companies (ie small independent pharmacies) for the reason of stability.

SOLUTION: Make a pharmacist at ease on the stability of your business, if the finance division with them, increasing their benefit plans, or long-term vision and leadership.

Secret # 3: Pharmacists complain most about the flexible work schedule. This is the most common complaint I hear in relation to job satisfaction. Many pharmacists have in the rotation, flexible hours, and do not know your schedule early in advance.

SOLUTION: If the pharmacy has a comprehensive program and know about your schedule in advance, no doubt highlight this as an advantage.

Secret # 4: Focus on pharmacists who know.

It is easier to attract a pharmacist who worked at the pharmacy before a pharmacy student or resident. You also have the advantage of having lived the ability of the pharmacist and appropriate for the position.

SOLUTION: Attracting pharmacists by developing an internship program or a residency program, if you do not already have one. Keep in touch with them'they may become future employees.

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