
Selasa, 26 April 2011

What is mesothelioma

What is mesothelioma

Mesothelioma 101

A human body in today's time goes through a lot of dreaded and hazardous diseases which can finally lead to death. Cancer is one such disease for which many individuals have lost the race against death. Cancer at times is detected at a very early age or at times it takes longer time. Many a times people fail to realize they are fighting their life against cancer. One such type of cancer is Mesothelioma which is a very rarely found but can lead to death. This cancer affects the mesothelium of pleura, peritoneum, or the pericardium and thus grows at a very faster rate and leads to metastasis of isolated limbs of human body and thus brings up an unwilling predictions

Few of the symptoms a person can notice if he has mesothelioma is like breathing problem, cough uncontrollable, severe chest pain or weakness or unexpected loss of body weight. Many a times these symptoms are considered as some other diseases and people over look it and when they actually start facing the reactions, it is too late. The final detection of mesothelioma is when the doctors study and analyze pleural biopsy in the last test.

The main reason for this cancer to occur in a human body is basically due to asbestos exposure. Once a person gets in contact with the asbestos fibers it is considered as the person will almost die and hence proving him unsuccessful to fight back. This type is cancer is highly seen in the people who work at construction sites, ship yard grounds or either in roof pebbles because here they get directly in contact with the asbestos which lead to this cancer. The laborers working here have the highest possibility of getting in contact with Mesothelioma. Apart from these many solvents or chemicals used in various factories or industries can also make the person suffer from it.

In order to put a halt and to avoid such hazardous consequences government is taking various actions to put an end to the exposure to asbestos. They are not allowing the occupational environment to make use of asbestos so that they can control it in larger number but the people of developing countries are making use of it and helping it to increase rapidly. Government has also made laws in order to protect the workers so that they can file cases against their employers who are not taking preventive steps. Any such person finds that there are no proper preventions in order to avoid the use asbestos and a person getting affected with Mesothelioma cancer than they can raise their voices.

Jyostna Ramani


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