
Sabtu, 30 April 2011

The Truth About Mesothelioma Life Expectancy

Discussing the subject of mesothelioma life expectancy is certainly not a pleasant one. Yet, it is a subject that must be discussed if you have been diagnosed with the condition. Actually, it also is a subject that should be raised to those fearing they have been exposed to asbestos and have not undergone a proper diagnosis from a physician. Once such a person realizes the severe life threatening nature of mesothelioma, it is doubtful the individual will wait much longer for a proper diagnosis.

Once again, mesothelioma is a severe form of cancer. It has taken the lives of many people that have contracted it. As a result, it is vitally important to seek out medical treatment as soon as humanly possible as this will potentially increase the chances of survival of the person with cancerous tumors.

The outlook of a person suffering from mesothelioma will be based on several factors. The only way to determine these factors would be to undergo a complete examination designed to determine the severity of the condition. Whether or not the cancer was detected early or late; the stage of the cancer; and whether or not the cancer has spread through the body would all be among the factors associated with how long a person's life expectancy will be.

So, while there are no guarantees whatsoever in terms of how successful treatment may be, early detection will have the greatest impact on mesothelioma life expectancy. The survival rate increases when effective treatment is instituted. Note: treatment always has a greater chance of being successful when cancer is discovered at an early stage.

To repeat, there is no way to uniformly determine a blanket mesothelioma life expectancy. However, there are statistics available that allow for researchers to examine the average life expectancy of one suffering from this cancer. There are three major forms that mesothelioma takes: pleural mesothelioma which afflicts the lungs; peritoneal mesothelioma which deals with the abdominal region; and pericardial mesothelioma which is somewhat rare and affects the heart. A fourth form, testicular mesothelioma is extremely rare and hardly diagnosed. With the three major forms of the cancer, mesothelioma life expectancy will vary.

Pleural mesothelioma is an incurable form of cancer and if undetected and untreated the chances for survival will range from four to 18 months. Peritoneal mesothelioma will only yield a five month to 13 month outlook if not treated. Because pericardial mesothelioma is so rare and research is limited, an estimation of the average life span when not treated is very difficult to ascertain.

Of course, with appropriate treatment, the ability to extend one's life span dramatically is possible. This is because treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation can slow down the growth and spread of the cancer cells. Chemotherapy and radiation may, potentially, destroy the cancer cells. Surgery can be employed to outright remove the cancerous tumors. The possibility of using combinations of any two or all three of the methods remains an option as well.

As previously mentioned, there will be a variety of factors that contribute to the ability for the treatment to be effective. The absence or presence of other diseases or disorders may play a role in how effective the treatment may be. In some instances, issues such as the actual location of the cancerous tumors can determine the treatment employed which, in turn, will affect life expectancy. A common example of that would be the presence of tumors near the heart. The high risk of performing surgery in such a region would often eliminate the procedure from consideration. The impact on one's life expectancy when procedures are reduced could possibly be negative.

Of course, a patient will need to do his or her part to extend life expectancy. Lifestyle choices can significantly impact how long or how short your life expectancy is. For example, someone that continues to smoke after being diagnosed with mesothelioma will drastically reduce his or her life expectancy. As such, it is well advised to follow all lifestyle suggestions made by a physician if the goal is to increase mesothelioma life expectancy.

The ability to extend mesothelioma life expectancy is never guaranteed. However, there are certainly ways this can be done. Determinations, however, will need to be made on a case by case basis.

Leigh White invites you to check out her site about Mesothelioma Compensation News where she is working on more articles like this one about Mesothelioma Life Expectancy News.
Leigh White

Kamis, 28 April 2011

Mesothelioma Treatments and Information

Mesothelioma is a rare cancer with a terrifying death rate. Caused by asbestos this disease can take 40 to 50 years to show up, and then progresses at an alarming pace. Without treatment the prognosis of a Mesothelioma patient is approximately one year. Medical science has developed treatment options for Mesothelioma. Once detected it is important to begin with mesothelioma treatments as soon as possible to improve the prognosis.

Traditional Mesothelioma Treatments

Traditional treatments for Mesothelioma patients are much the same as any other type of cancer treatments. Surgery removes the cancerous cells. Chemotherapy uses drugs to fight the cancer and heal the cells. Radiation uses high dose x-rays kill the cells. Many times two or even all three of these are involved in treating a mesothelioma patient. The course of treatment depends on several factors, including the patients overall health, the stage of the mesothelioma, and the effectiveness the treatment is believed to have. For example if a patient is generally healthy and strong and the cancerous cells haven't spread noticeably to other areas, a doctor may perform surgery to remove the mesothelioma and then follow up with radiation to kill any cancerous cells that had spread. But if a patient is declining rapidly with a great deal of spreading the surgery would be left out of the treatment options and the doctor would proceed with Chemotherapy and Radiation treatments.

Uncommon Mesothelioma Treatments

These treatment options aren't as widely used and recognized as the three above, however depending on the stage of the cancer; doctors have seen great success in fighting mesothelioma with these treatments.

Photodynamic Therapy is most effective in patients who have a localized area of cancerous cells, and uses light energy to kill the cells. The patient is intravenously given a medication which will make cancer cells extremely sensitive to a particular type of light. Between 24 and 72 hours later the patient is placed under this type of light and the cells which have absorbed the medication are killed.

Gene Therapy uses genetic material to target cancer cells and make the more vulnerable to chemotherapy treatments. In this treatment a non-infectious virus is introduced that basically causes the cancer cells to commit suicide by creating a substance that will cause their death. While gene therapy has shown promising results it is only available through clinical trials.

Immunotherapy tricks the body's immune system into killing the cancer cells. This involves introducing a vaccine made from cancerous cells back into the body. At that time the immune system will recognize the vaccine and thus the cancer as being harmful and will naturally fight the cancer.

The experts in the medical science field are continuously running trials and searching for optional Mesothelioma treatments that will kill the cancerous cells and remove mesothelioma from the body. Any patient who has mesothelioma should discuss all the options with their physician and fight mesothelioma aggressively in order to get the disease out of their body and live a long healthy life.

Article Source:

Identifying Asbestos Symptoms

Understanding and identifying asbestos symptoms is a must for anyone that works in removal services. Knowing the basics of the symptoms is also advisable to those that work or frequent in environments known for presenting a high risk of asbestos exposure. Older buildings, construction sites, and even automobiles that are not well maintained would be common examples of where asbestos accumulates.

And quite honestly, it never hurts for the "average person" to be aware of the symptoms of asbestos exposure because there is always a chance that an environment, no matter how nice it may look on the outside, could be filled with asbestos due to a lack of care or upkeep of the property.

One needs to be very mindful of the fact that exposure to asbestos could lead to contracting mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that can affect the heart, lungs, or abdomen. This is a highly aggressive form of cancer that spreads quite quickly. If not detected as soon as possible, it can spread to advanced stages rapidly. Without effective treatment or a proper diagnosis, it is doubtful the afflicted would last much longer than a year. Expiring after only a few months is not out of the question either.

Again, this is why a basic understanding of asbestos symptoms is a must. Here is a look at the most obvious of these symptoms....

Regardless of the particular region of the body the asbestos is afflicting two consistent symptoms would be weight loss and a loss of appetite. Obviously, these two symptoms alone would not automatically be considered indicators of a serious health disorder. But, if these two conditions are combined with other symptoms associated with asbestos exposure then a proverbial "red flag" must be raised.

Asbestos commonly impacts the lungs which mean various respiratory problems may arise when the lungs have been seriously irritated. Wheezing and shortness of breath would be a clear indication that something might be wrong with the lungs. If you are hearing a cracking type sound in the lungs when you inhale, this would be a serious indication a major problem is present. Those that are coughing blood will need to see a doctor immediately. Coughing blood would be a strong indication that the asbestos has led to lung cancer.

Abestos exposure can also impact the heart in a damaging way. Both heart and lung issues related to asbestos exposure could be indicated via chest tightness and chest pain. Chest pain is certainly not a symptom to take lightly. To seek qualified medical help when experiencing such pain would be well advised.

Abdominal problems related to asbestos symptoms would be evident in the stomach region. The most common of these symptoms would be severe swelling and pain in the abdominal region. A consistent high fever could be another common symptom to experience when suffering from asbestos induced abdominal issues. Bowel obstructions may also be common as would issues related to blood clotting. If left unchecked, abdominal related asbestos issues could lead to the onset of anemia.

When several symptoms are combined together this would be a greater indication that something serious is wrong. However, it is advisable not to make any assumptions about how serious or how un-serious the condition is based on own self-assessment. Doing so could prove disastrous since making assessments on one's own are not valid.

Only a qualified physician has the ability to make a proper diagnosis and would only do so after a batter of tests. Additionally, delaying a proper diagnosis can lead to any potential cancer spreading. With mesothelioma cancer, time is of the essence since the life expectancy for a person with untreated mesothelioma is very short. Once a correct diagnosis is made then appropriate treatment can be undertaken. Such treatment could likely prolong a person's life. Again, the quicker such treatment is performed the greater the odds it will be successful.

Never underestimate the severity of asbestos symptoms. What may seem like a "minor" problem could very well be a highly serious one...even a life threatening one. As such, the symptoms needed to be addressed immediately. Of course, prior to addressing the problem, it is necessary to identify the symptoms. This can only be done if you familiarize yourself with them.


Rabu, 27 April 2011

Asbestos Mesothelioma

Asbestos Mesothelioma Cancer Causes

Mesothelioma is a rare type of lung cancer that primarily affects those who have (at some point in their lives) been exposed to asbestos fibers. This form of cancer can affect the lining of the lungs, as well as the linings of the heart and abdomen. The lining is also known as the mesothelium. Mesothelioma Cancer is almost always highly malignant and often leads to mortality within just a few years. Cases of this deadly disease have been steadily growing, and while asbestos is now banned in most countries, it seems that many more people are destined to be affected by it.


Asbestos and Mesothelioma Cancer History

The first documented cases of mesothelioma cancer occurred in the early 1940s, but as we understand it now, the cancer takes root early and lies dormant in its hosts. It can take anywhere from 20 years to 50 years from the time of asbestos exposure formesothelioma to actually manifest itself. It is this period of dormancy that made the relationship between asbestos and mesothelioma so difficult to establish. While those who experienced prolonged exposure to asbestos are more likely to get this type of cancer, even people who were only exposed for a few months are sometimes at risk.

Early indications of mesothelioma cancer, and the dangers of inhaling asbestos, came about in the very early 1900s in Great Britain. Serious lung disease started to become a major problem for people working in factories that used asbestos. It wasn’t until 1930, however, that the British government launched a study to determine the link between asbestos and lung cancer disease. Due to its long dormant period, linking asbestos and mesothelioma cancer took much longer to discover. While there was a lot of evidence pointing to the relationship between mesothelioma cancer and asbestos fibers, the asbestos industry was very profitable and many of its companies made little effort to try and establish a connection.

Asbestos Exposure and Mesothelioma Cancer

It wasn’t until the 1950s that a South African medical researcher discovered the exact link between asbestos exposure and mesothelioma. He studied 33 cases of severe lung disease – and 32 of those cases had been heavily exposed to asbestos. Unfortunately, even in the face of this evidence, businesses and governments were slow to move and many companies that owned asbestos mines and factories actually tried to discredit the report or hide its findings. Thus, during that period, very few people who worked with asbestos were ever alerted to the dangers that they faced from mesothelioma and other serious illnesses.

Mesothelioma Prognosis

Today, many people are aware of the relationship between asbestos and the diseases that it causes. It is considered a serious occupational hazard for over 1.3 million workers in America alone. Those who work in the construction and building renovation industries are the most at risk for developing the disease. Many veterans were exposed during the war and many who worked in factories building ships, submarines, and armored vehicles fell victim to this disease. As the cases of mesothelioma and other related illnesses continue to grow each year, it is clear that, even with the prohibitions on asbestos and the widespread release of medical information, the problem is far from over. The United States is presently considering a full ban on the use of asbestos. According to recent reports, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has plans to phase out the use of it within the next decade.

Asbestos Mesothelioma Cancer Treatment

Unfortunately, as of this writing, there is no known cure for mesothelioma. While the cancer does sometimes respond to treatment in the form of chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery, these measures are merely palliative. Even with the best treatment, most people do not survive more than 5 years after being diagnosed with the disease. This is why programs dedicated to information awareness and to the prevention of asbestos exposure are extremely important to help insure that additional individuals are not exposed to this potentially deadly material and put at risk for mesothelioma.


Mesothelioma claims

What is Mesothelioma

If you or a member of your family have recently received a diagnosis of Mesothelioma, you will no doubt be keen to find out what help is available for those in your position. Apart from the obvious help you will need in dealing with illness and the trauma that surrounds it, you may be eligible to make a Mesothelioma claim for compensation. Compensation is paid where there is proven blame for the disease. However there are special rules for making a Mesothelioma compensation claim and you should take legal advice as soon as possible.

In the case of a Mesothelioma claim, compensation is typically claimed from the insurers of the company who are at fault for allowing you, or your family member, to come into contact with asbestos. Because Mesothelioma can take between 30 and 40 years to develop after exposure to asbestos, in most cases the companies responsible ceased to exist many years ago but compensation would be sought from the insurers of the company involved. The insurance companies need to be traced and blame has to be proved and it is important that legal advice be sought as soon as possible which will increase your chance of securing compensation.

There are legal experts who specialize in making a Mesothelioma claim and by making a quick search of the Internet you should be able to find one in your own locality. A local law firm is not essential, but experience in making Mesothelioma claims is. Although at this time there will be many important issues on your mind, it is worth taking the time to deal with the compensation issue at your earliest convenience, as you may find the compensation award very useful at a later date. Once you have secured the services of a Mesothelioma claim expert, they will deal with everything for you with regard to compensation, and you will be able to get on with other pressing issues.

A Mesothelioma claim will generally be made for compensation covering many different elements. For example, the illness itself, loss of earnings, items needed as a result of the illness, special foods, mobility aids, care provided by family members, care provided by professionals, hospital travelling expenses etc. All these extra costs you will incur will undoubtedly place a heavy burden on your financial situation, so it is imperative that you seek professional advice, and set the wheels in motion to get your Mesothelioma claim for compensation under way.

If you found this information about making a Mesothelioma Claim helpful, please visit our website at for much more information.


Selasa, 26 April 2011

What is mesothelioma

What is mesothelioma

Mesothelioma 101

A human body in today's time goes through a lot of dreaded and hazardous diseases which can finally lead to death. Cancer is one such disease for which many individuals have lost the race against death. Cancer at times is detected at a very early age or at times it takes longer time. Many a times people fail to realize they are fighting their life against cancer. One such type of cancer is Mesothelioma which is a very rarely found but can lead to death. This cancer affects the mesothelium of pleura, peritoneum, or the pericardium and thus grows at a very faster rate and leads to metastasis of isolated limbs of human body and thus brings up an unwilling predictions

Few of the symptoms a person can notice if he has mesothelioma is like breathing problem, cough uncontrollable, severe chest pain or weakness or unexpected loss of body weight. Many a times these symptoms are considered as some other diseases and people over look it and when they actually start facing the reactions, it is too late. The final detection of mesothelioma is when the doctors study and analyze pleural biopsy in the last test.

The main reason for this cancer to occur in a human body is basically due to asbestos exposure. Once a person gets in contact with the asbestos fibers it is considered as the person will almost die and hence proving him unsuccessful to fight back. This type is cancer is highly seen in the people who work at construction sites, ship yard grounds or either in roof pebbles because here they get directly in contact with the asbestos which lead to this cancer. The laborers working here have the highest possibility of getting in contact with Mesothelioma. Apart from these many solvents or chemicals used in various factories or industries can also make the person suffer from it.

In order to put a halt and to avoid such hazardous consequences government is taking various actions to put an end to the exposure to asbestos. They are not allowing the occupational environment to make use of asbestos so that they can control it in larger number but the people of developing countries are making use of it and helping it to increase rapidly. Government has also made laws in order to protect the workers so that they can file cases against their employers who are not taking preventive steps. Any such person finds that there are no proper preventions in order to avoid the use asbestos and a person getting affected with Mesothelioma cancer than they can raise their voices.

Jyostna Ramani


Five Questions to Ask Your Doctor If You Are Diagnosed With Mesothelioma

If you have received a diagnosis of mesotheliomafrom your physician, you may be reeling from this bad news. However, you have many very important decisions to make right now; the more information you have, the better your choices will be. Here are some questions you can ask your doctor to learn more about your options.

1. Is the Diagnosis Confirmed? An accurate mesothelioma diagnosis requires a variety of tests. If you have only undergone a chest X-ray, lung function testing, and a CT or MRI scan, the diagnosis has not yet been fully verified. Clarify with your doctor if his/her diagnosis is preliminary and what facts and test results it is based on. To be sure that the cancer is actually mesothelioma and not a different disease, your oncologist must order a biopsy. Even after this step, further tests are usually required to determine how far the disease has advanced.

2. How Long Do I Have? This is one of the scariest questions to ask your doctor. Bear in mind that the answer will depend on how far your cancer has spread. Other factors that can impact a mesothelioma prognosis includes how old you are, whether you are/were a smoker, and if you have any other health conditions. Although the life expectancy for most patients diagnosed with this disease is not lengthy, there are still many individuals who survive more than five years. Your doctor will likely give you an estimate; but this is only a guess based on available statistics. Your outcome may be different.

3. What Treatments Are Available?Currently, life-prolonging therapies are the options offered for treating mesothelioma. This illness is usually diagnosed too late for the condition to be reversed. Keeping you alive and improving your quality of life are the main goals of treatment. Therapies to remove the cancer or stop its spread include chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. Palliative care (to reduce the pain caused by your symptoms) may include various procedures that drain fluid from the lungs. New treatments are constantly under development.

4. What Should I and My Family Know? A mesothelioma diagnosis is a huge blow to you and to those who love you. Friends and family members may not know much about this disease or how they can best assist you in coping with your illness. Ask your doctor for resources such as booklets about the disease and contact information for local support groups that offer assistance to families going through this tough time.

5. How Did I Get This Disease? Establishing what triggered your cancer may be very important in determining if a former employer or a manufacturer of a dangerous product is at fault for your illness. If so, you may decide to consult a lawyer about filing a mesothelioma lawsuit. Sometimes the exact cause of this cancer cannot be ascertained because the exposure happened decades ago. However, your doctor can help you review your life history to see if there were any hazards such as exposure to asbestosin your home or at work that may be at the root of your disease.

In the United States, the average age at which patients receive a mesothelioma diagnosis is about 65. Because the disease has a long latency period, it usually isn't caught until it is quite advanced. Clinical trials are ongoing to find better treatments for this fatal form of cancer.
Dita Smith

Minggu, 24 April 2011

6 Professions That May Have Exposed Workers To Asbestos Symptoms

Asbestos symptoms are usually likely to show up 30 to 50 years after exposure to this dangerous material. The likelihood that you might one day experience these symptoms is highly dependent upon what you did for a living.

There are six job categories that were particularly hazardous regarding asbestos exposure.

If you worked in the ship building industry between World War II and the Korean Conflict then it is a high probability that you were exposed to dangerous levels of asbestos. Since most of those ships used steam engines there was probably a lot of insulation for the boilers and pipes that used this material. It is also a strong possibility that the ship incinerators were insulated as well. The famous actor, Steve McQueen, attributed his mesothelioma to the years he served in the Marines removing dangerous insulation from ship pipes and boilers. When asbestos becomes air born it is known as "friable". No doubt many a ship builder was exposed to high levels of friable asbestos.

A second group of workers is often overlooked by those who study this disease and that group is custodians. Custodians usually work in older buildings where asbestos is very prevalent in walls, boilers and flooring. Most floor tiling made before 1978 contained asbestos and even the mastic that made the tiles stick to the floors. High speed burnishing has the capability of scraping asbestos off of floors and into the air. This is often over looked by attorneys and scientists.

A third group of asbestos symptom sufferers are fire fighters. A classic example would be the fire fighters who worked in rescue efforts after the twin towers collapsed in 2001. They were exposed to tons of debris and some of it was asbestos. This danger has existed for fire fighters for decades.

A fourth job category that was extremely vulnerable were plumbers and electricians. Every time a plumber or electrician had to break a hole in a wall or saw pipes that were asbestos insulated they became a victim of potential exposure. Most folks just don't think about the danger that lurks behind the repair jobs in older homes and businesses.

Group five and six are construction workers and factory workers. Certainly construction workers 30 years ago were inundated with asbestos in sheet rock, adhesives and plasters and factory workers were unknowingly placed in asbestos environments before its dangers were fully understood.

These workers are now experiencing the symptoms.

Asbestos was banned from production in 1975 but the diagnosis are soaring at an increasing rate because of the 30 to 50 year latency period. It is unfortunate that so many innocent and hard working people were in danger and didn't have a clue!

Identifying Asbestos Symptoms

Understanding and identifying asbestos symptoms is a must for anyone that works in removal services. Knowing the basics of the symptoms is also advisable to those that work or frequent in environments known for presenting a high risk of asbestos exposure. Older buildings, construction sites, and even automobiles that are not well maintained would be common examples of where asbestos accumulates.

And quite honestly, it never hurts for the "average person" to be aware of the symptoms of asbestos exposure because there is always a chance that an environment, no matter how nice it may look on the outside, could be filled with asbestos due to a lack of care or upkeep of the property.

One needs to be very mindful of the fact that exposure to asbestos could lead to contracting mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that can affect the heart, lungs, or abdomen. This is a highly aggressive form of cancer that spreads quite quickly. If not detected as soon as possible, it can spread to advanced stages rapidly. Without effective treatment or a proper diagnosis, it is doubtful the afflicted would last much longer than a year. Expiring after only a few months is not out of the question either.

Again, this is why a basic understanding of asbestos symptoms is a must. Here is a look at the most obvious of these symptoms....

Regardless of the particular region of the body the asbestos is afflicting two consistent symptoms would be weight loss and a loss of appetite. Obviously, these two symptoms alone would not automatically be considered indicators of a serious health disorder. But, if these two conditions are combined with other symptoms associated with asbestos exposure then a proverbial "red flag" must be raised.

Asbestos commonly impacts the lungs which mean various respiratory problems may arise when the lungs have been seriously irritated. Wheezing and shortness of breath would be a clear indication that something might be wrong with the lungs. If you are hearing a cracking type sound in the lungs when you inhale, this would be a serious indication a major problem is present. Those that are coughing blood will need to see a doctor immediately. Coughing blood would be a strong indication that the asbestos has led to lung cancer.

Abestos exposure can also impact the heart in a damaging way. Both heart and lung issues related to asbestos exposure could be indicated via chest tightness and chest pain. Chest pain is certainly not a symptom to take lightly. To seek qualified medical help when experiencing such pain would be well advised.

Abdominal problems related to asbestos symptoms would be evident in the stomach region. The most common of these symptoms would be severe swelling and pain in the abdominal region. A consistent high fever could be another common symptom to experience when suffering from asbestos induced abdominal issues. Bowel obstructions may also be common as would issues related to blood clotting. If left unchecked, abdominal related asbestos issues could lead to the onset of anemia.

When several symptoms are combined together this would be a greater indication that something serious is wrong. However, it is advisable not to make any assumptions about how serious or how un-serious the condition is based on own self-assessment. Doing so could prove disastrous since making assessments on one's own are not valid.

Only a qualified physician has the ability to make a proper diagnosis and would only do so after a batter of tests. Additionally, delaying a proper diagnosis can lead to any potential cancer spreading. With mesothelioma cancer, time is of the essence since the life expectancy for a person with untreated mesothelioma is very short. Once a correct diagnosis is made then appropriate treatment can be undertaken. Such treatment could likely prolong a person's life. Again, the quicker such treatment is performed the greater the odds it will be successful.

Never underestimate the severity of asbestos symptoms. What may seem like a "minor" problem could very well be a highly serious one...even a life threatening one. As such, the symptoms needed to be addressed immediately. Of course, prior to addressing the problem, it is necessary to identify the symptoms. This can only be done if you familiarize yourself with them.

Article Leigh White

6 Professions That May Have Exposed Workers To Asbestos Symptoms

Asbestos symptoms are usually likely to show up 30 to 50 years after exposure to this dangerous material. The likelihood that you might one day experience these symptoms is highly dependent upon what you did for a living.

There are six job categories that were particularly hazardous regarding asbestos exposure.

If you worked in the ship building industry between World War II and the Korean Conflict then it is a high probability that you were exposed to dangerous levels of asbestos. Since most of those ships used steam engines there was probably a lot of insulation for the boilers and pipes that used this material. It is also a strong possibility that the ship incinerators were insulated as well. The famous actor, Steve McQueen, attributed his mesothelioma to the years he served in the Marines removing dangerous insulation from ship pipes and boilers. When asbestos becomes air born it is known as "friable". No doubt many a ship builder was exposed to high levels of friable asbestos.

A second group of workers is often overlooked by those who study this disease and that group is custodians. Custodians usually work in older buildings where asbestos is very prevalent in walls, boilers and flooring. Most floor tiling made before 1978 contained asbestos and even the mastic that made the tiles stick to the floors. High speed burnishing has the capability of scraping asbestos off of floors and into the air. This is often over looked by attorneys and scientists.

A third group of asbestos symptom sufferers are fire fighters. A classic example would be the fire fighters who worked in rescue efforts after the twin towers collapsed in 2001. They were exposed to tons of debris and some of it was asbestos. This danger has existed for fire fighters for decades.

A fourth job category that was extremely vulnerable were plumbers and electricians. Every time a plumber or electrician had to break a hole in a wall or saw pipes that were asbestos insulated they became a victim of potential exposure. Most folks just don't think about the danger that lurks behind the repair jobs in older homes and businesses.

Group five and six are construction workers and factory workers. Certainly construction workers 30 years ago were inundated with asbestos in sheet rock, adhesives and plasters and factory workers were unknowingly placed in asbestos environments before its dangers were fully understood.

These workers are now experiencing the symptoms.

Asbestos was banned from production in 1975 but the diagnosis are soaring at an increasing rate because of the 30 to 50 year latency period. It is unfortunate that so many innocent and hard working people were in danger and didn't have a clue!

Identifying Asbestos Symptoms

Understanding and identifying asbestos symptoms is a must for anyone that works in removal services. Knowing the basics of the symptoms is also advisable to those that work or frequent in environments known for presenting a high risk of asbestos exposure. Older buildings, construction sites, and even automobiles that are not well maintained would be common examples of where asbestos accumulates.

And quite honestly, it never hurts for the "average person" to be aware of the symptoms of asbestos exposure because there is always a chance that an environment, no matter how nice it may look on the outside, could be filled with asbestos due to a lack of care or upkeep of the property.

One needs to be very mindful of the fact that exposure to asbestos could lead to contracting mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that can affect the heart, lungs, or abdomen. This is a highly aggressive form of cancer that spreads quite quickly. If not detected as soon as possible, it can spread to advanced stages rapidly. Without effective treatment or a proper diagnosis, it is doubtful the afflicted would last much longer than a year. Expiring after only a few months is not out of the question either.

Again, this is why a basic understanding of asbestos symptoms is a must. Here is a look at the most obvious of these symptoms....

Regardless of the particular region of the body the asbestos is afflicting two consistent symptoms would be weight loss and a loss of appetite. Obviously, these two symptoms alone would not automatically be considered indicators of a serious health disorder. But, if these two conditions are combined with other symptoms associated with asbestos exposure then a proverbial "red flag" must be raised.

Asbestos commonly impacts the lungs which mean various respiratory problems may arise when the lungs have been seriously irritated. Wheezing and shortness of breath would be a clear indication that something might be wrong with the lungs. If you are hearing a cracking type sound in the lungs when you inhale, this would be a serious indication a major problem is present. Those that are coughing blood will need to see a doctor immediately. Coughing blood would be a strong indication that the asbestos has led to lung cancer.

Abestos exposure can also impact the heart in a damaging way. Both heart and lung issues related to asbestos exposure could be indicated via chest tightness and chest pain. Chest pain is certainly not a symptom to take lightly. To seek qualified medical help when experiencing such pain would be well advised.

Abdominal problems related to asbestos symptoms would be evident in the stomach region. The most common of these symptoms would be severe swelling and pain in the abdominal region. A consistent high fever could be another common symptom to experience when suffering from asbestos induced abdominal issues. Bowel obstructions may also be common as would issues related to blood clotting. If left unchecked, abdominal related asbestos issues could lead to the onset of anemia.

When several symptoms are combined together this would be a greater indication that something serious is wrong. However, it is advisable not to make any assumptions about how serious or how un-serious the condition is based on own self-assessment. Doing so could prove disastrous since making assessments on one's own are not valid.

Only a qualified physician has the ability to make a proper diagnosis and would only do so after a batter of tests. Additionally, delaying a proper diagnosis can lead to any potential cancer spreading. With mesothelioma cancer, time is of the essence since the life expectancy for a person with untreated mesothelioma is very short. Once a correct diagnosis is made then appropriate treatment can be undertaken. Such treatment could likely prolong a person's life. Again, the quicker such treatment is performed the greater the odds it will be successful.

Never underestimate the severity of asbestos symptoms. What may seem like a "minor" problem could very well be a highly serious one...even a life threatening one. As such, the symptoms needed to be addressed immediately. Of course, prior to addressing the problem, it is necessary to identify the symptoms. This can only be done if you familiarize yourself with them.

Article Leigh_White

Rabu, 06 April 2011

Asbestos Cancer Exposure and Effects


Asbestos cancer is brought on by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring minerals that can be separated into thin threads. Asbestos fibers resist heat and fire and for this reason, have been utilized in numerous items that need to be resistant to heat and fire such as brake pads, gaskets and pumps. Regrettably, nevertheless, asbestos-containing goods can result in asbestos cancer.

Asbestos cancer: The types

There are distinct sorts of asbestos cancer. They incorporate lung cancer and mesothelioma. There are two varieties of lung cancer:

Tiny cell lung cancer (SCLC) and

Non-tiny cell lung cancer (NSCLC)

Modest cell lung cancer is the much less typical form of lung cancer and constitutes about 20% of lung cancer situations. Modest cell lung cancer occurs practically exclusively in cigarette smokers. It is the more aggressive kind of lung cancer and by the time it is diagnosed, it has normally spread to numerous locations of the physique.

Non-modest cell lung cancer is the most widespread type of lung cancer occurring in about 80% of lung cancer cases. Non-tiny cell lung cancer can have different causes such as asbestos exposure.

Mesothelioma is also a type of asbestos cancer. It impacts the mesothelium, which is the membrane that covers the body’s internal organs. The mesothelium creates a fluid to allow organs to glide against adjacent structures. The peritoneum is the mesothelium that covers organs inside the abdominal cavity. The pleura is the mesothelium that covers the lungs and lines the wall of the chest cavity. The pericardium is the mesothelium that surrounds the heart.

Varieties of mesothelioma:

Pleural mesothelioma

The pleura is the lining of the sacs of the chest. A cancer of this lining is recognized as pleural mesothelioma. Pleural mesothelioma is the most widespread form of mesothelioma. Some signs of pleural mesothelioma are shortness of breath, chest pain and cough.

Peritoneal mesothelioma

The peritoneum is the lining of the abdomen. A cancer of the abdominal lining is identified as peritoneal mesothelioma. Peritoneal mesothelioma is less typical than pleural mesothelioma. The symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include abdominal swelling, bowel obstruction and nausea.

How does asbestos lead to the advancement of cancers such as lung cancer and mesothelioma?

When asbestos fibers are inhaled, they can grow to be trapped in the body’s internal organs such as the lungs. Asbestos fibers can remain inside of lung tissue for a lifetime. Asbestos fibers within the body can trigger chemical reactions that can lead to the improvement of asbestos cancers such as lung cancer and mesothelioma. Asbestos cancers normally have a lengthy latency period, i.e., they can build decades right after exposure to asbestos has taken place.

Who is at risk for asbestos cancers such as lung cancer and mesothelioma?

Folks who work with asbestos-containing products are at the highest risk of developing asbestos cancers such as lung cancer and mesothelioma. Due to the fact asbestos was used in numerous goods, several workers are at danger of building asbestos cancers. Some workers who are at danger contain:



Shipyard workers


Construction workers

In addition, the household members of people who perform with asbestos merchandise are also at danger of building asbestos cancer simply because of secondary asbestos exposure. Secondary asbestos exposure occurs due to the fact asbestos fibers can cling to the clothing of folks who work with asbestos merchandise. When these workers come residence, their household members can inhale these fibers and build asbestos cancers decades later.

Asbestos Cancer: Therapy options

Lung cancer remedy

Treatment possibilities for lung cancer rely largely on the sort of lung cancer and on the stage of the cancer. Remedy strategies for lung cancer include:

Surgery – this treatment strategy involves cutting away the lung cancer tumor. Surgery is powerful when the cancer has not spread beyond the lung. Surgical procedures for lung cancer are:

Thoracotomy – surgery performed by means of the chest wall

Median sternotomy – entails cutting via the breastbone

Anterior limited thoractomy – carried out on the front location of the chest

Anterioraxillary thoractomy – performed on the front portion of the chest near the underarm

Posterolateral thoracotomy – performed on the rear of the trunk

Photodynamic therapy – is the treatment strategy that is employed when surgery is not feasible. It involves the use of a particular variety of light to kill cancerous cells.

Mesothelioma treatment

Treatment techniques for the asbestos cancer mesothelioma contain:

Surgery – this process typically involves removing component of the lining of the chest or the abdomen. The lining of the chest is removed if the cancer is pleural mesothelioma. The lining of the abdomen is removed if the cancer is peritoneal mesothelioma. In some cases, an whole lung may have to be removed. Also, occasionally the diaphragm (the muscle below the lungs) is removed.

Radiation therapy – entails the use of light rays to kill cancer cells and lessen tumor size. This treatment strategy is only successful for the area of the physique that is subjected to radiation. External radiation treatment entails radiation that comes from a machine. Internal radiation treatment entails the insertion of substances that make radiation by means of tubes to the region exactly where cancer cells exist.

Chemotherapy – involves the use of drugs to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy drugs for mesothelioma are usually administered by intravenous injection.

Immunotherapy – entails manipulating the immune technique so that it attacks cancer cells. Commonly, the human immune technique does not kill mesothelioma cancer cells simply because it does not know that the cancer cells are harmful. In a variety of immunotherapy acknowledged as active immunotherapy, mesothelioma cancer cells are removed and converted into a vaccine. The vaccine is then injected into the patient. The hope is that the patient’s immune method will acknowledge the vaccine as harmful and as a result acknowledge mesothelioma cancer as damaging as well.

For further data Contact Andrew Calcagno, Esq. at
