
Rabu, 27 Mei 2009

Mesothelioma Clinical Trials

Mesothelioma Clinical Trials

For some patients, participation in a mesothelioma clinical trial may offer new hope in the face of a poor prognosis. Mesothelioma is an aggressive disease, and treatment options for advanced cases are limited.

Mesothelioma clinical trials allow researchers to learn whether a new medication or procedure is effective and safe for use in humans. Studies of human subjects are a front-line weapon in the quest to find treatments and cures for mesothelioma and other cancers.

No one knows in advance how a mesothelioma clinical trial will turn out - that is what makes a trial necessary. And that is what makes choosing whether or not to participate in a clinical trial one of the toughest and most personal decisions facing a person with mesothelioma. There is no right or wrong choice; no single solution for all patients.

Benefits and Risks of Mesothelioma Clinical Trials

As in any decision-making process, there are steps mesothelioma patients can take to help them decide whether or not to participate in a clinical trial. The first step is to take an honest, critical look at the general benefits and risks of being a test subject.

Potential Benefits of Mesothelioma Clinical Trials

  • Mesothelioma clinical trial participants may receive health care provided by leading physicians in the treatment of asbestos-related diseases.
  • Subjects may have access to new drugs and treatments before they become widely available, and may be among the first to benefit if they prove effective.
  • Participants' health will be closely monitored during a study.
  • Choosing participation in a mesothelioma clinical trial allows mesothelioma patients to take an active role in treatment, which may help them feel more in control.
  • Subjects make a personal, valuable contribution to mesothelioma research.
Potential Risks of Mesothelioma Clinical Trials
  • Trial medications and treatments may cause side effects or risks not known to researchers.
  • Mesothelioma clinical trial drugs and procedures may be ineffective or deliver less benefit than current approaches.
  • Trial approaches that prove beneficial for some may not work for all.

Is There a Mesothelioma Clinical Trial for You?

If you have mesothelioma and are wondering whether you might benefit from participating in a mesothelioma clinical trial, you may wish to talk to your doctor. He or she can tell you whether a clinical trial is a viable option for you and help you identify trials for which you may be qualified.

You can also explore the option of mesothelioma clinical trials on the Internet. is a website provided by the National Institutes of Health that offers a searchable database where patients can find information on current trials. The National Cancer Institute ( and the American Cancer Society ( offer similar services.

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