
Rabu, 27 Mei 2009

Mesothelioma Clinical Trials

Mesothelioma Clinical Trials

For some patients, participation in a mesothelioma clinical trial may offer new hope in the face of a poor prognosis. Mesothelioma is an aggressive disease, and treatment options for advanced cases are limited.

Mesothelioma clinical trials allow researchers to learn whether a new medication or procedure is effective and safe for use in humans. Studies of human subjects are a front-line weapon in the quest to find treatments and cures for mesothelioma and other cancers.

No one knows in advance how a mesothelioma clinical trial will turn out - that is what makes a trial necessary. And that is what makes choosing whether or not to participate in a clinical trial one of the toughest and most personal decisions facing a person with mesothelioma. There is no right or wrong choice; no single solution for all patients.

Benefits and Risks of Mesothelioma Clinical Trials

As in any decision-making process, there are steps mesothelioma patients can take to help them decide whether or not to participate in a clinical trial. The first step is to take an honest, critical look at the general benefits and risks of being a test subject.

Potential Benefits of Mesothelioma Clinical Trials

  • Mesothelioma clinical trial participants may receive health care provided by leading physicians in the treatment of asbestos-related diseases.
  • Subjects may have access to new drugs and treatments before they become widely available, and may be among the first to benefit if they prove effective.
  • Participants' health will be closely monitored during a study.
  • Choosing participation in a mesothelioma clinical trial allows mesothelioma patients to take an active role in treatment, which may help them feel more in control.
  • Subjects make a personal, valuable contribution to mesothelioma research.
Potential Risks of Mesothelioma Clinical Trials
  • Trial medications and treatments may cause side effects or risks not known to researchers.
  • Mesothelioma clinical trial drugs and procedures may be ineffective or deliver less benefit than current approaches.
  • Trial approaches that prove beneficial for some may not work for all.

Is There a Mesothelioma Clinical Trial for You?

If you have mesothelioma and are wondering whether you might benefit from participating in a mesothelioma clinical trial, you may wish to talk to your doctor. He or she can tell you whether a clinical trial is a viable option for you and help you identify trials for which you may be qualified.

You can also explore the option of mesothelioma clinical trials on the Internet. is a website provided by the National Institutes of Health that offers a searchable database where patients can find information on current trials. The National Cancer Institute ( and the American Cancer Society ( offer similar services.

Selasa, 26 Mei 2009

New Mesothelioma Treatments

New Treatments for Mesothelioma

Current research focuses on causes, prevention, and improving accuracy of diagnosis and effectiveness of mesothelioma treatments. In spite of advances in research, there is still a great deal to be learned. Mesothelioma treatments that combine surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy, called multimodality therapy, are now being studied. These may provide the most promising option for some patients. New chemotherapy drugs and other types of mesothelioma treatments are the subjects of current clinical trials.

Gene Therapy

A new approach to mesothelioma treatment is gene therapy, using special viruses that have been modified in the laboratory. In gene therapy, the modified virus is injected into the pleural (chest) space and infects the mesothelioma cells. The virus injects a gene into the tumor that heightens the effects of a mesothelioma-fighting drug.


Immunotherapy - treatment methods that fight mesothelioma through the body's immune system - is being evaluated in clinical trials. With immunotherapy, substances called biological response modifiers (BRMs) may be made by the body or in a laboratory. BRMs are used to boost, direct, or restore the body's natural ability to defend itself against cancer. This type of mesothelioma treatment is also called biologic therapy or biotherapy.

Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)

IMRT is a new radiotherapy technique that has proven to be effective in controlling localized malignant mesothelioma. IMRT mesothelioma treatment delivers high doses of radiation to mesothelioma tumors, regardless of their size or shape. Precise targeting of radiation makes IMRT a preferred mesothelioma treatment over standard radiotherapy, in which the healthy tissue surrounding the tumor may also be exposed to high levels of radiation. Tumors that would once have been considered untreatable because of their proximity to vital organs can now be treated using IMRT.


Chemotherapy is the use of cancer-fighting drugs in the treatment of mesothelioma. Although chemotherapy has long been used in the treatment of mesothelioma, the search for safer and more effective chemotherapy drugs is ongoing.

Alimta is the brand name for one such drug, chemically similar to folic acid, which is being tested for the treatment of mesothelioma. Alimta is used alone for the treatment of locally advanced or metastatic lung cancers whose growth has not been slowed by traditional chemotherapy treatments. When used in conjunction with cisplatin, Alimta is the only agent approved by the Food and Drug Administration for specific use in combating malignant pleural mesothelioma.

Anti-angiogenesis drugs are relatively new mesothelioma treatments that have been successful in shrinking and killing cancerous cells in animals. Although the success of anti-angiogenesis drugs in humans has not been proven, they are expected to yield similar results. Veglin is an anti-angiogenesis drug designed to target a wide range of cancers, including malignant mesothelioma.

Senin, 25 Mei 2009

Asbestos Side Effects

Side Effects of Asbestos Exposure

The side effects resulting from asbestos exposure have been a topic of great concern in recent years. Asbestos has been identified as a carcinogen (cancer-causing substance) by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. No level of exposure to asbestos is known to be safe, and in fact, inhaled asbestos fibers can have serious side effects on human health. Smoking or exposure to cigarette smoke, combined with exposure to asbestos, greatly increases the likelihood of developing lung cancer.

The greater the amount and time of exposure to asbestos, the greater the risk of developing serious side effects, such as malignant mesothelioma. The length of time between exposure to asbestos and the first signs of disease can be as much as 50 years.

Malignant Mesothelioma

Malignant mesothelioma is one of the more serious side effect of asbestos exposure. Mesothelioma is a very serious form of cancer affecting the smooth lining of the chest, lungs, heart and abdomen. Between 2,000 and 3,000 new cases of malignant mesothelioma are diagnosed in the United States each year - and this number continues to rise.

Mesothelioma often goes undetected until symptoms appear - typically decades after the initial asbestos exposure. While advances are being made almost daily in mesothelioma research and treatments, at this time malignant mesothelioma is considered to be a terminal disease. As in all cancers, early diagnosis and treatment offer the best hope for a favorable outcome in a patient with malignant mesothelioma.

Other Side Effects of Asbestos Exposure

Besides causing cancer, breathing asbestos can also cause a side effect called asbestosis, a slow accumulation of scar-like tissue in the lungs. Because the scar-like tissue does not expand and contract like normal lung tissue, breathing becomes difficult and blood flow to the lung may be decreased, causing the heart to enlarge. Changes in the lining of the lungs-such as thickening and fluid around the lungs-may be early signs of asbestos-related side effects.

The side effects from swallowing asbestos are less clear. Some people who have been exposed to asbestos fibers in their drinking water have higher-than-average death rates from cancer of the esophagus, stomach, and intestines; however, a definite link to asbestos exposure has not been determined in these cases.

When asbestos fibers penetrate the skin, non-malignant warts may emerge as another unpleasant side effect of asbestos exposure.

How To Apply For A Mesothelioma Scholarship

Awareness about mesothelioma is increasing tremendously across the globe. Almost each and every city in USA consists of various groups specializing in mesothelioma awareness. Mesothelioma research is an extensive topic which includes various aspects like discussion forums, mesothelioma legal cells, etc.

Recently, in 2003, the Mesothelioma Memorial Scholarship was introduced to offer tribute and honor the people affected by mesothelioma. It is one such financial need for these affected patients or their dependants. Mesothelioma Memorial Scholarship is a $500 scholarship given four times per year.

Scholarships and grants need not be paid back to the institute after being used.

Statistics indicate nearly 80% of people affected with mesothelioma were working in a workplace with asbestos content in the environment. For all kinds of mesothelioma, the common factor in developing the disease is asbestos.

As mesothelioma is a cancerous disease, it leads to huge expenditure for its patients to get effective treatment. Many patients are still ignorant about the various financial aids offered to bear the treatment, legality and other expenses.

This scholarship is offered to students who have completed their high school education and is open to those attending traditional colleges as well as those going through vocational/technical programs, continuing education, ministry training and job skills training programs.

Applying for a mesothelioma scholarship:

If you are a student and are interested in applying for mesothelioma scholarship, you should undergo the following steps:

• Find out institutions offering this kind of scholarship programs and opt for the best choice

• You need to get the necessary papers ready including doctor certificates and referrals

• Then you need to apply for a suitable mesothelioma scholarship

Kamis, 14 Mei 2009

Harmful Exposure Of Asbestos

If you think you have had any asbestos exposure, you should contact a doctor immediately. Inhaling the small, sliver-like shards of this mineral, used in insulation in older homes and businesses can be extremely hazardous to your health, especially after prolonged exposure.

If you have only had one or two short exposures to this mineral, you should be able to breath easy, however, if you work in an office or have lived in a home that has been ridden with asbestos for decades, you may have already done some serious harm to yourself. Asbestos easily becomes airborne, especially friable asbestos. When inhaled, these small shards attach themselves onto the lining of your lungs and into your lung tissue as well as in your airways. Over time, with continuous asbestos exposure, these imbedded shards can become inflamed and turn into cancerous tumors called Mesothelioma or lung cancer. Both cancers are very difficult cancer to treat.

Clean up can occur to cease any more asbestos exposure. Companies are available that specialize solely in the removal of asbestos. This is a pricey conquest and certainly not an easy task, but it will prove to be invaluable when you are no longer subjecting yourself or others to this dangerous chemical. When a company comes in to remove the asbestos, it generally requires the removal of the insulation itself, which means tearing down the drywall.

The proper protective gear is worn during this time as well as well ventilated breathing masks. Most people employed by asbestos removal companies are asked to not have facial hair to lessen the risk of any asbestos "clinging" onto the hair and risking the chance of inhalation. It is imperative that the material remains wet at all times as friable asbestos, when dry, is the worst asbestos exposure. Once the asbestos is removed, it is placed inside a protective container and taken to a landfill that accepts asbestos disposal. Many landfills do not accept this chemical, so make sure to call ahead. It is possible to take on the task of removing the asbestos yourself, but trusting a reliable company to do the work for you will ensure that it is done correctly and will lessen your risk of asbestos exposure if you do not do it right the first time. Your health is not anything to play around with and it is important not to take any risks, especially when hazardous chemicals are involved.


Selasa, 12 Mei 2009

Mesothelioma Victims - Support & Advice

Most people that develop mesothelioma have been exposed to asbestos in the past. Mesothelioma, a cancer of the mesothelium grows mainly in the lining of the lungs and abdomen and it takes decades for the symptoms of the cancer to surface. The main symptoms are chest pain and difficulty in breathing.

If you have worked with asbestos or materials containing asbestos, for example shipyard workers, insulation engineers, maintenance workers, building workers, you can develop mesothelioma. People working in other industries could also be exposed to asbestos without remembering the exposure. Also some people who were exposed to asbestos through washing and handling of clothes contaminated with asbestos and some people living close to asbestos industries may also develop mesothelioma.

Presently there is no known cure for mesothelioma, the treatments available only help to control the symptoms and improve quality of life of the victim. The type of treatment will be individualized and it depends on the stage of the cancer.

Help and Support
Every mesothelioma case will need support and help, many find it hard difficult to accept the diagnosis, others feel bitter and angry. Every mesothelioma victim must have access both to information about the disease and to emotional support, including someone to talk to when they feel like. There are several specialist organizations that provide such help.

Your Benefits and Compensations
All mesothelioma victims may be entitled to social security benefits and compensations from employers or both. These are some of the benefits you might be entitled to:
a}Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit-You can get this quickly paid so you should make your claim as soon as possible so as to be able to get your benefits.
b}War disablement pension-If you were exposed to asbestos while serving in the armed forces, you can make this claim from the Veterans Agency.
c}Constant Attendance Allowance-This allowance may be paid to you once you receive any of the benefits mentioned above.
d}You may also be entitled to a lump sum payment from the Government under the Pneumoconiosis e.t.c{Workers Compensation}Act 1979,or in Northern Ireland,the Pneumoconiosis e.t.c{Workers Compensation}{Northern Ireland}Order 1979.

Whoever you choose to consult about benefits, you should always ask about a payment under the 1979 Act or Order and Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit.

These and some other benefits and compensations are what you are entitled to if you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma.


Sabtu, 09 Mei 2009

Mesothelioma - Chemotherapy Treatment

Mesothelioma is a malignant type of cancer that is caused by being exposed to asbestos. The cancerous cells are developed in a protective lining that covers internal organs in the body called mesothelium. The most common site of mesothelioma is in the outer lining of the chest wall and lungs called the pleura. It can also occur in the lining of abdominal, peritoneum cavity, or the sac that is around the heart, pericardium.
It is found that most people that develop mesothelioma have been exposed to asbestos particles at some time in their life.

Mesothelioma is an aggressive type of cancer and Doctors want to treat it as soon as possible and with aggressive treatment. One of the treatments includes Chemotherapy and its strong drugs that can destroy the cancer cells.
Chemotherapy is an option for those patients that are not able to go through a surgical procedure. The Doctor determines if the patient is a surgical candidate or not. Chemotherapy has been used since around the 1940's.
Using Chemotherapy for treatment of mesothelioma can be taken in pill form, intravenously, or if the cancer is in the pleural; it is injected directly into the lungs.

Chemotherapy treats the disease by using chemicals that kill the bad cancerous cells and also damages the good cells around the cancer area. There are a few types of chemotherapy treatments for mesothelioma besides the curative intent.
They are:

- Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
- Adjuvant chemotherapy- which means chemotherapy is used after a surgical technique and if the doctor feels there is a risk for recurrence of the cancer.
- Combined modality chemotherapy- this means chemotherapy is used in combination with radiation therapy or surgery.
- Neoadjuvant chemotherapy- referrs to being done prior to surgery to reduce the size of the tumor mass.
- Palliative chemotherapy- is used as a treatment to the symptoms of mesothelioma

There are side effects that come from chemotherapy treatment. Most Doctors tell the patients about these side effects that can come from this treatment. Most of the side effects will go away when the treatment has ended. These include:

- Weakening of the immune system
- Hair loss
- Nausea and vomiting
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Decrease in number of red blood cells
- Ototoxicity
- Nephrotoxicity
- Higher risk of cardiovascular disease
- Cardiotoxicity
- Hepatoxicity

The results of treating Mesothelioma with Chemotherapy can be good to stop the growth of the cancer and help shrink it, but unfortunately there is no cure for mesothelioma.


Jumat, 08 Mei 2009

Mesothelioma Curable or Not ?

If you have been exposed to asbestos, it is in your best interest to gather as much information as possible. Asbestos has had many uses throughout history, and though it is a rare find these days, it still exists in the insulation of some older buildings.

Many lung diseases occur as a result of exposure to this material, among them is mesothelioma cancer. The web is ripe with information, and here we will give you a brief introduction.

Mesothelioma is a rare cancer that is almost always malignant, and can afflict a variety of bodily systems. Most often it affects the lungs because the easiest way for asbestos (the cancers main cause) to enter the body is through inhalation. If it affects the lungs it is also known as pleural mesothelioma.There is also peritonial mesothelioma, which affects the lining around the organs in the abdomen. And pericardial mesothelioma is found in the sac around the heart.

There are also three different types of mesothelioma. Epithelioid, which is the most common, is found in the protective lining around vital organs. Sarcomatoid, the most serious, but less common than the former, is found in tissues such as fat, muscles, bone and cartilage. There is also mixed, where both epithelioid and sarcomatoid are present at once.

Unfortunately all information concludes that it is a fatal cancer. Symptoms vary depending on which bodily systems are affected. If the cancer resides in the lungs there may be shortness of breath, coughing, chest pain, and sometimes no symptoms at all. Abdominal cancers are generally accompanied by weight loss, a swollen belly, and digestive related problems. These symptoms may not appear until many years after asbestos exposure. And diagnosis is often difficult because many of the symptoms mimic other conditions.

Treatment for mesothelioma varies, and is dependant upon many factors. Common treatments, as with most cancers, include surgical removal, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. And though the prognosis is grim, modern technology is advancing by leaps and bounds. If you, or someone close to you, is experiencing the symptoms of mesothelioma, see your doctor, and do your research. Stay updated on the latest information. Hopefully we will find a cure soon.


Rabu, 06 Mei 2009

Mesothelioma Help

According to the National Cancer Institute, mesothelioma is a malignant cancer of the pleura, the peritoneum, and the pericardium (the sacs lining the chest, abdominal cavity and the heart). Malignant mesothelioma has been linked to asbestos exposure, and those exposed to more asbestos or for a longer duration are likely to have more intense cases of mesothelioma. People stopped using asbestos in insulation materials in the 1970s, so with the 20 to 50 year latency period between exposure and acquisition of mesothelioma, many are just now discovering that they have the cancer.

People usually come into contact with asbestos through construction jobs or the clothes of family members working on construction sights. Asbestos is an insulation material used in pipes, boilers, cements, plasters, joint compounds, fireproofing spray, firebrick, gunnite, furnaces, roofs, floors, ceiling tiles, transite siding, brakes and clutches. Thus, the construction workers most exposed to asbestos include insulation intallers, boilermakers, plumbers, pipefitters, steamfitters, plasterers, shipyard workers, those in the Navy, electricians, mechanics, bricklayers, millwrights, carpenters, steel workers, and maintenance workers. Sites with the largest concentration of asbestos include shipyards, power plants, refineries, paper mills, manufacturing plants, foundries, and construction sites.

Since early symptoms of mesothelioma are non-specific, many sufferers will not be diagnosed with the cancer until it is too late to treat it. These early symptoms are often mistook for pneumonia (shortness of breath, coughing, and chest pain). If you feel that symptoms you are having could be related to mesothelioma, contact a doctor to diagnose you to know for sure what you have and what you should do. Diagnosis procedures can include x-rays, CT scans, MRI, PET, thoracoscopy, peritoneoscopy or a biopsy.

Fighting mesothelioma can be expensive and the disease can cause great emotional trauma to the patient and his or her family. If you have been diagnosed with asbestos related mesothelioma, a mesothelioma lawyer can help you fight those responsible for this cancer. If you have mesothelioma, the employer or organization that put you into contact with asbestos is at fault and you deserve compensation. Find a mesothelioma lawyer today.


Brachytherapy Mesothelioma Treatment

Brachytherapy is a high tech and precise radiation treatment performed by implanting radioactive “seeds” near or directly inside cancerous tumors. This procedure allows physicians to deliver a strong and direct dose of radiation to the tumors, while causing little damage to the surrounding tissues. It is most commonly used to treat prostate, breast, or cervical cancer but may also be used to treat mesothelioma. It is a relatively quick procedure that does not require an overnight stay in the hospital and typically takes an hour to complete. Afterwards, the implanted seeds remain in the body and transmit radiation for about a year.

There are two methods by which the radioactive sources may be implanted in the body. The first method is called intracavitary treatment and involves passing radioactive sources in special containers through body cavities such as the windpipe, uterus or vagina. The second method is called interstitial treatment. In interstitial treatment the radioactive sources are not placed in containers but rather injected into the tumor directly via thin needles. The seeds are small (smaller than a grain of rice) and cause little discomfort. General anesthesia is often used during these procedures. In some cases, Brachytherapy is done in combination with external beam therapy to help destroy the main mass of tumor cells.


Sabtu, 02 Mei 2009

Symptoms Of Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma can only be identified with help of its symptoms which appear after 20-50 years the person has developed the disease. Symptoms of mesothelioma appear when you have been exposed to the deadly toxic asbestos decades back. By the time they appear, they have already spread to all parts of the body.

There are 3 major types of mesothelioma which attack the body with some similar symptoms. These types of mesothelioma along with their symptoms are:

Pleural Mesothelioma

Pleural mesothelioma attacks the lining of the lungs and causes various symptoms. These symptoms include:

  • Cough

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Fever

  • Pain at the side of the chest or the lower back

  • Pleural effusions (fluid in the chest cavity)

  • Progressive loss of appetite and weight loss

  • Dyspnea

  • Tiredness

  • Trouble swallowing

  • Muscle weakness

  • Sensory loss

  • Nausea

  • Pleural effusion is an accumulation of fluid between the lining of the lung and the chest cavity. It is one of most common symptoms of mesothelioma and leads to shortness of breath. As the fluid collects in the lining of the lungs and chest, the pain and shortness of breath also increase. Dyspnea is shortness of breath which can be caused by a pleural effusion and/or by the presence of a tumor in the pleura or the lining of the lungs.

    A buildup of fluid in the pleural can create a feeling of fullness and pressure, causing areas of pain in the chest cavity and sometimes in the lower back area. Chest pain occurs more often on the right side of the body, as mesothelioma affects the right lung 60% of the time. Only 5% patients suffer from mesothelioma in both lungs.

    In some cases, a patient may also have chronic hoarseness, difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) and/or the coughing up of blood (hemoptysis). These are the rare symptoms of mesothelioma and seen in less than 1% mesothelioma patients. If the patient also suffers from swelling of the face or neck areas, it means that the cancer has spread beyond the mesothelium.

    Peritoneal Mesothelioma

    The other type of mesothelioma is peritoneal which attacks the lining of the stomach or the abdominal cavity. It can cause symptoms like:
  • Belly Pain

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Weight loss

  • Fever

  • Night sweats

  • Frequency of urination

  • Bowel obstruction

  • Abdominal pain and swelling due to a buildup of fluid in the abdomen also known as ascites is one of the symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma. If there is a tumor in the peritoneum membrane, it can put increasing pressure on the organs in the abdomen, leading to bowel obstruction and distention.

    Pericardial Mesothelioma

    The third type of mesothelioma is pericardial mesothelioma which attacks the lining of the chest cavity. It is not a common type of cancer. It can cause symptoms like:

  • Heart palpitations

  • Chest pains

  • Shortness of breath

  • Persistent cough

  • Weight loss

  • Irregular heartbeat

  • Pericardial effusion may also occur in pericardial mesothelioma. It is the accumulation of liquid in the lining of the chest cavity which may cause difficulty in breathing and shortness of breath. The patient may also complain of irregular heartbeat which is caused due to liquid accumulation in the chest. Persistent cough along with blood may also occur. Pericardial mesothelioma can also lead to lung cancer.

    Some of these symptoms can help you identify mesothelioma. Some patients show no symptoms of their mesothelioma which makes it more difficult to diagnose. The exact symptoms will often depend on the area where mesothelioma affects which will help you identify mesothelioma.


    Jumat, 01 Mei 2009


    Many people have never heard of Mesothelioma and are unaware of its symptoms. Although considered a rare form of cancer, each year the number of cases grows. With the prevalence of this disease on the rise, it is critical to understand why and how Mesothelioma develops and what courses of action can be taken in the event of diagnosis. The following is a list of frequently asked questions and answers that will provide you with some information on Mesothelioma, and the legal issues surrounding it.

    What is Mesothelioma?

    Mesothelioma is the term used to describe a cancerous tumor found in the mesothelial cells of an organ. The organs where this form of cancer is most commonly found are the lungs, heart and abdominal organs. Pleural Mesothelioma is cancer of the lung lining and is the most common form of Mesothelioma.

    What causes Mesothelioma?

    Mesothelioma is almost always caused by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is often found in building materials used before the mid 1970’s. In addition, materials such as pipes, boiler insulation, floor, ceiling and roof tiles may contain asbestos.

    How much asbestos exposure will cause Mesothelioma?

    Generally, the probability of developing this form of cancer is in accordance with the length of time you are exposed to asbestos. Also, your health is at risk if your exposure to asbestos is intense. It should be noted that Mesothelioma has a latency period of 20 to 50 years. This means that you may develop the disease long after your exposure to asbestos. On average, people tend to develop Mesothelioma somewhere between 35 and 40 years after exposure.

    How quickly does Mesothelioma progress?

    The onset of Mesothelioma is quite slow. Patients will begin to experience symptoms such as lower back pain and chest pain. These symptoms may also be accompanied by weight loss, fever and difficulty breathing. Unfortunately, once Mesothelioma develops, it quickly becomes aggressive and treatment must be sought immediately.

    Can Mesothelioma be treated?

    Doctors are able to use several traditional methods of cancer treatment for Mesothelioma, including surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Like all forms of cancer, detecting the disease at the earliest stage possible greatly increases the patient’s chances for survival. If you have worked in an industry such as construction or suspect that you may have been exposed to asbestos, be alert for symptoms and contact your doctor immediately.

    What legal courses of action can be taken?

    Anyone suffering from Mesothelioma is entitled to compensation from asbestos manufacturers. Additionally, if you are the spouse or child of someone who has died from Mesothelioma, you are entitled to file a claim and seek compensation.


    Mesothelioma Attorney

    It is a long and difficult path to fight a disease no matter what type it may be. Mesothelioma is no different. It becomes even more difficult and draining to try and find a good mesothelioma attorney who can help you.

    So what is mesothelioma? Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer. It is caused by a long direct exposure to asbestos and it affects the sac lining in the chest. Most people who have mesothelioma were exposed to asbestos without knowing it. In the years when asbestos contact was common, many people did not know the risks and dangers involved, so employees of companies were put at risk without any warning or protection. This article will try and help those in need and make the decision process for finding a good mesothelioma attorney a little easier.

    The first thing you should do is find out all you can about mesothelioma. While it is the attorneys job to have knowledge about the disease, having a complete understanding of it yourself will allow you to make a better decision when deciding which attorney to use. You will be able to judge their knowledge better. You want to get an attorney who really understands the disease, its causes, and most certainly it effects. If you go with a mesothelioma attorney who does not have an extensive knowledge, then you are putting your entire case in the hands of someone who you hope will do their research. This is a dangerous game to play when it will decide how much money comes out of your pocket for legal fees.

    You have the resources, so use them. Looking up information in a phone book can narrow you search to a local attorney. Using the internet will provide a plethora of mesothelioma attorneys. You want to search for "mesothelioma attorney" to really narrow down the search for one. Then you can do some more research on their firm's name or the lawyer's name. You want to have numerous attorneys at your fingertips. The more choices, the better. This way you can contact them all, ask as many questions as you possibly can, and get a good feel for who seems more fit to handle your case.

    Before making any decision, make sure you understand the terms. If you are going to sign anything, then make sure you read the fine print. The last thing you want to do is end up paying way more than you originally thought, especially if you lose the case. There are many mesothelioma attorneys out there who actually will not ask for money unless the case is won. In these cases they usually ask for a percentage of the amount you receive for winning the case. Know and understand the terms each attorney is asking for.

    Ask your friends and co-workers if they know any good attorneys. Each one is worth checking out. Also, the people you know or are close to you will want to help you, so they will not recommend someone who is not top notch. In general, people like to help others, so take advantage of the situation.

    The amount you receive in a case is certainly not a fixed amount. Depending on the circumstances, the amount can certainly vary. However, in past cases, some amounts granted have been quite large. Find a mesothelioma attorney as quick as possible. There is a one to two year limitation on when you can file a lawsuit from the date mesothelioma was diagnosed. Also, these procedures for filling a lawsuit can take quite some time, so it is best to find an attorney as soon as you possibly can.


    Rabu, 29 April 2009

    Asbestos & Mesothelioma Lawyers

    Before asbestos was found to be a potential cause for cancer, it was seen as a great building material. Therefore it was used a lot, and both workers who installed it and employees who worked in these buildings were unknowingly exposed to a cancerous element. These people are only now seeing the effects of their exposure to asbestos, and are bringing cases against the companies that either installed it or owned the buildings. The cases are increasing, causing a need for a specialized brand of lawyer - the mesothelioma lawyer.

    Some types of asbestos that can cause cancer:

    • Amosite
    • Anthophyllite
    • Chrysotile
    • Crocidolite

    Mesothelioma Lawyers and the Courtroom

    Though has not yet been definitively proven that asbestos cause Mesothelioma, many studies have been done to prove a link between the two... enough studies to make mesothelioma lawyers very busy. The asbestos is made of loosely bonded fibers, which can easily be separated. These fibers can float in the air and easily get into your respiratory system. Before these studies, when asbestos was used as a common material, no one suggested the need for proper safety procedures - a fact that mesothelioma lawyers point to as a reason their clients now have this form of cancer.


    Senin, 27 April 2009

    Mesothelioma Lawyer

    Mesothelioma lawyers deal specifically with cases concerning people being exposed to asbestos in the work environment. Asbestos was used as a building material years ago because it was not flammable and did not conduct electricity. However, later studies have shown it can cause some forms of cancer. Mesothelioma, a form of cancer that affects the inner lining of the chest, is one of those forms of cancer. Because asbestos was a common building material and is still found, there has been a call for mesothelioma lawyers to look into cases of people who were exposed to asbestos and have been diagnosed with this form of cancer.Mesothelioma lawyers deal specifically with cases concerning people being exposed to asbestos in the work environment. Because asbestos was a common building material and is still found, there has been a call for mesothelioma lawyers to look into cases of people who were exposed to asbestos and have been diagnosed with this form of cancer.

    Kamis, 02 April 2009

    Mesothelioma Treatments

    Mesothelioma treatment options depend on many internal factors such as: stage, location, and the patient’s age and desires. Important external factors to consider include the experience level of the oncologist with mesothelioma cases and whether or not a rural dweller would have to be transferred to a larger city for aggressive treatment or palliative care.

    Patient survival rate is determined to be up to a year; while some leading cancer centers have reported life expectancy after diagnosis to be as much as five more years.


    Imaging tests allow doctors to see a picture of the cancer site. These tests could include x-rays, CT scans (computed tomography), or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).

    New Screening Instrument: The Mesomark Test

    The Food and Drug administration has just approved (January 2007) the world's first in-vitro test for mesothelioma. The Mesomark assay test, developed by Fujirebio Diagnostics is administered to patients diagnosed with biphasic or epithelioid mesothelioma by a simple blood test. The test measures proteins within the blood that reflect changes in the patient's tumor volume, a key factor for monitoring patient status and response to therapies.

    Traditional Treatment Types

    Surgery, removal of the entire lung and a part of the chest lining, the diaphragm and part of the sac surrounding the heart.

    Thoracoscopy is the insertion of an endoscope which is a small narrow tube, containing a tiny cameria into the pleural cavity to look directly at the tumor. Pathologist’s perform a biopsy to collect a tissue. Often, chemical pleurodesis (draining fluid in the intrapleural space), can be accomplished during the same procedure.

    Mediastinoscopy, another type of surgical incision is sometimes used to stage the extent of disease when enlarged nodes are seen using imaging techniques.

    Laproscopy is used in mesothelioma patients when imaging techniques suggest that the tumor has penetrated through the diaphragm. This information is important in evaluating a patient for potential pleurectomy or extrapleural pneumonectomy.

    Radiation Therapy (using high-dose x-rays or other high-energy rays to kill cancer cells.

    Radiation - Although mesothelioma tumors are highly resistant to radiotherapy, these treatments are sometimes used to relieve symptoms arising from tumor growth, such as obstruction of a major blood vessel.

    Radiotherapy is commonly applied to the sites of chest drain insertion, in order to prevent the growth of the tumor along the track in the chest wall.

    Chemotherapy – is used to stop the cancer cells from growing and dividing.

    Immunotherapy: Heated Intraoperative Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy requires the removal as much of the tumor as possible followed by the direct administration of a heated between (40 and 48°C) chemotherapy agent, into the abdomen for 60 to 120 minutes and then drained.

    Palliative Procedures

    Pleuroperitoneal Shunt is a procedure where a catheter is placed under the skin from the pleural to the peritoneal cavity. This procedure raising concerns as the catheter can cause damage by embedding itself into the abdomen.

    Pleurectomy, a palliative procedure, may be performed when more extensive surgery is not an option. The procedure does not effectively remove all tumors. It is considered the most effective means of controlling pleural effusion (fluid buildup) in cases where the lung's expansion is restricted by the mesothelioma.

    Potentially Curative Procedures

    These procedures are performed with "curative intent".

    Pleurectomy/Decortication is usually performed on patients with early stage pleural mesothelioma disease (Stage I and selected Stage II), and attempts to remove all gross tumor.

    Extrapleural Pneumonectomy is surgery to remove a diseased lung, part of the pericardium, part of the diaphragm and part of the parietal pleura. This type of surgery is used most often to treat malignant mesothelioma and is combined with traditional chemotherapy and/or radiation, gene therapy, immunotherapy or photodynamic therapy.

    Cytoreductive Surgery removes visible tumors in the peritoneal cavity. The remaining cancer cells are treated by Intra-Peritoneal Hyperthermic (heated) Chemotherapy (IPHC) and then delivered to the abdominal cavity.

    New or Experimental Therapies

    Gene Therapy: The best known tumor suppressor gene is called p53. If this gene is damaged or non existent oncogenes or cancer genes multiply at an abnormal rate. The main focus of gene therapy for mesothelioma involves injecting a virus that has been modified in the laboratory. The virus is injected into the pleural space in the chest, where mesothelioma develops as an attempt to kill the cancer cells.

    Drug or Vaccine Therapy

    Patients with mesothelioma have much higher levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) a chemical controlling blood vessel than people with any other type of cancer. Trials are being conducted to see if VEGF can be blocked, thus stopping the growth of blood vessels feeding the mesothelioma tumors.

    Bevacizumab is a drug vaccine currently in use. One trial recently reported that this drug may increase survival for patients with lung cancer. An American phase 2 trial tested bevacizumab for mesothelioma, in combination with chemotherapy drugs. Bevacizumab is still in the experimental phase and much larger trials are needed before we will know how effective it will be in treating mesothelioma and other types of cancers.

    Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)

    In Photodynamic therapy a drug called a photosensitizing agent is injected into the bloodstream and absorbed by the body's cells rendering the cells sensitive to light. When the area to be treated is exposed to laser light, the cells are killed. PDT has to be combined with surgery to treat patients in the early stages of mesothelioma. PDT is still in the trial stages and very experimental.

    Clinical Trials and Eligibility

    Clinical Trials provide research by using a sampling of people affected by the cancer. The National Cancer Institute states that the purpose of most listed clinical trials is to test new cancer treatments or new methods of diagnosing, screening for or preventing cancer.

    Eligibility requirements for clinical trials are not the same; each study has specific guidelines for participation. Some trials allow participation after other treatments have failed, while others require that the patient did not have prior treatment. Choosing a clinical test should only be done after a medical consultation.

    Prevention trials - study ways to reduce the risk, or chance, of developing cancer. Most prevention trials are conducted with healthy people who have not had cancer. These trials use drugs, vitamins or diet to reduce risk of cancer. Some trials are conducted with people who have had cancer and want to prevent the return of cancer (recurrence), or reduce the chance of developing a new type of cancer.

    Screening Trials - study ways to detect cancer. They are often conducted to determine whether finding cancer before it causes symptoms decreases the chance of dying from the disease. These trials involve people who do not have any symptoms of cancer.

    Diagnostic Cancer Trials - develops new tests or scans

    Treatment Trials – studies new drugs or combinations of drugs; new ways of giving treatment, and new types of treatment

    Quality of life trials explore ways to improve the comfort and quality of life of cancer patients and cancer survivors. These trials may study ways to help people who are experiencing nausea, vomiting, sleep disorders, depression, or other effects from cancer or its treatment.

    Genetics Study Trials - are sometimes part of another cancer clinical trial. The genetics component of the trial may focus on how genetic makeup can affect detection, diagnosis, or response to cancer treatment.

    Clinical trials are conducted in 4 phases:

    Phase 1 trials look at whether a trial treatment drug is safe or has any harmful effects and attempts to establish the right dosage required.

    Phase 2 trials look at the effectiveness of the treatment.

    Phase 3 trials test a new treatment against the existing standard treatment. If it yields better results, it may become the new standard treatment.

    Phase 4 trials are carried out after a drug has been licensed. They collect information about side effects, safety and the long term risks and benefits of a drug.

    Ongoing research attempts to improve mesothelioma treatment options but clinical trials will not all result in new and better treatment. After testing, it may be discovered that the treatment being tested does not work, or that it has worse side affects than existing treatments. But, to researchers and doctors, and in the end for patients, it is crucial to keep this research going.


    Senin, 30 Maret 2009

    Types of Malignant Mesothelioma

    There are several types of malignant mesothelioma,

    Pleural Mesothelioma, or cancer of the lung lining, may cause shortness of breath, fluid build-up, chest pain, hoarseness, coughing up blood, muscle weakness, paralysis, sensory loss and swelling of the face and arms. There are two types of surgeries that are commonly performed to cure this disease, both of which involve removing portions of the lungs. The first operation is called a pleurectomy/decortication, which involves the removal of part of the lung lining in order to remove the tumor. The second surgery is called an extrapleural pneumonectomy. During this particular surgery, the lining, diaphragm, pericardium, and the whole lung may be removed in order to completely remove the tumor.

    Peritoneal Mesothelioma, or cancer of the abdominal lining, can cause stomach pain, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, hernia, fluid in the abdominal cavity or a mass in the abdomen. A surgery known as a laparotomy may be performed during which the doctor will open up the abdomen to remove the entire tumor.

    Pericardial Mesothelioma, or cancer of the heart lining, is very rare, but can cause shortness of breath and chest pain. A surgery called an extrapleural pneumonectomy can be preformed to remove the tumor.

    With all Pericardial, Peritoneal and Pleural Mesothelioma, radiation treatments and chemotheraphy are also options. Today, the government has strict laws limiting and prohibiting the use of asbestos in building products. Removal of asbestos products from existing buildings is also heavily regulated.


    Minggu, 29 Maret 2009


    Mesolthelioma is a form of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is made up of tiny fibers, often used to make insulation in homes, schools and other buildings. This disease attacks the lining of the heart, lungs and abdomen.

    Since asbestos can be found in basic building materials, those at risk for mesolthelioma are largely, but not limited to, construction workers who built our buildings through the seventies. The danger of using this natural occuring mineral was either unkonwn or ignored by health officals. One danger of the disease is that the symptoms are similar to those of general aging, and many people tend to ignore them until more severe, and potentially fatal symptoms occur.


    Minggu, 01 Februari 2009

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