
Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

Filing an Asbestos Lawsuit

This section about mesothelioma asbestos lawsuits will address many of the initial questions you may have.

If you have additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Even after you contact us, you do not have to choose a Simmons firm employee as your mesothelioma attorney should you decide to move forward with an asbestos lawsuit.

* How does a mesothelioma lawsuit work?
* How much will it cost for you to investigate my claim?
* How much will it cost for you to represent me?
* How much can I expect to receive through a mesothelioma lawsuit?
* How long can I wait to file a mesothelioma lawsuit?
* How long does a mesothelioma lawsuit last?
* I've been exposed to asbestos, but I do not have symptoms of any asbestos-related disease yet. Can I file a lawsuit?
* Can I file an asbestos lawsuit on behalf of a deceased family member?
* I noticed that you are based in Illinois, but I do not live there. Why should I hire you instead of a law firm closer to my home?
* Whom should I file my asbestos lawsuit against?
* Will my mesothelioma lawsuit be filed in my state?
* Will I have to travel?
* Will I have to testify at trial?
* Will my case be part of a class action?

How does a mesothelioma lawsuit work?

When you first come to the Simmons firm, one of our mesothelioma lawyers will sit down with you to discuss your potential case. If you are a good candidate for a mesothelioma lawsuit, we will file all necessary paperwork against the defendant and start the discovery period. During this time, both you and the defendant will be questioned as lawyers prepare for trial. Many times, a settlement is reached either at the end of the discovery period or during the early phases of the trial. If a case goes through the entire trial process, it will receive a jury verdict that could be appealed by the defendant..

How much will it cost for you to investigate my claim?

Nothing. The minute you contact us, we will begin investigating your asbestos claim at no cost to you or your family. Typically, one of our investigators or attorneys will call or visit you to gather information about you, your family, and work history. After we have sufficient information, we decide if we can recommend filing a mesothelioma lawsuit. This is of no financial cost to you.

How much will it cost for you to represent me?

Again, nothing. There is no financial risk on your part in filing a mesothelioma lawsuit. The Simmons firm represents clients on a “contingency” basis, which means that we will only collect a fee if and when you collect a settlement. A mesothelioma attorney will meet with you to go over these matters in detail.

How much can I expect to receive through a mesothelioma lawsuit?

Recovery results truly vary per client. The amount you receive from your mesothelioma lawsuit depends on a variety of factors including whether your case gets a settlement or a jury verdict. To get a better idea about what compensation you can expect through a mesothelioma lawsuits, please contact one of our lawyers.

How long can I wait to file a mesothelioma lawsuit?

While each case is unique, the law imposes certain time limitations on how long one can wait to file a mesothelioma or asbestos lawsuit until it is “too late.” These are called “statutes of limitations.” Essentially, an individual only has a certain period of time after they are diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease in which to file their asbestos claim. As a result, we advise that you contact us immediately so that we can evaluate your case.

How long does a mesothelioma lawsuit last?

Mesothelioma lawsuits can take time, especially when they are being filed in a busy court system or they require extra investigation. Your Simmons firm mesothelioma attorney will work hard to expedite your case, but please understand that he may need extra time to make sure you get the best settlement possible.

I've been exposed to asbestos, but I do not have symptoms of any asbestos-related diseases yet. Can I file a lawsuit?

Even if you can prove you’ve been exposed to asbestos, you must have an asbestos-related disease to file a lawsuit. If you have been exposed to asbestos, schedule regular checkups to let a doctor monitor you for symptoms of asbestos diseases, since these diseases are much more treatable when caught early.

Can I file an asbestos lawsuit on behalf of a deceased family member?

In many states, a family member can file a wrongful death suit on behalf of a loved one. Because statute of limitation laws strictly govern the amount of time you have to file one of these suits, you should discuss any potential legal action with a lawyer as soon as possible.

Why should I hire you instead of a firm closer to my home?

Although the Simmons firm is a law firm based in Illinois, we have represented individuals and families affected by mesothelioma from all across the country, recovering millions of dollars in the process.*

Whom should I file my asbestos lawsuit against?

In order to get the most out of your asbestos lawsuit, it is imperative that you file against the right defendant. By learning more about your situation, our asbestos lawyers can help you decide whom you should file against. Even if you don’t know where you were exposed to asbestos, our lawyers can investigate the cause for you.

Will my mesothelioma lawsuit be filed in my state?

Your asbestos lawsuit may not be filed in your home state because we want to file your case in the state that will provide the best chance of success. For example, if you were exposed to asbestos by a company with its headquarters in another state, we may file your lawsuit in the state of the company’s headquarters. Filing in another state will not cost you any extra money, and it can only provide a better chance for success.

Will I have to travel?

Our attorneys and investigators are happy to travel to see you. Though we cannot guarantee that you will not have to travel, in most instances it is unlikely that you will need to leave the area in which you live.

Will I have to testify at trial?

We prepare every case as if we are going to trial. However, some of our mesothelioma cases settle out of court without going through a trial. In the event that a trial does occur, our mesothelioma attorneys are trained to make this process as easy on you and your family as possible.

Will my case be part of a mesothelioma class action?
No. Class action lawsuits are reserved for scenarios in which a group of individuals are injured in substantially the same manner. Since asbestos-related diseases manifest themselves differently in each affected individual, it is our belief that such claims are not proper for class actions. We handle all mesothelioma lawsuits on an individual basis so that you receive the settlement that you deserve.

Kamis, 25 November 2010

Mesothelioma and Asbestos Cancer

A Tragic History Mesothelioma and Asbestos Cancer

Many asbestos cancer experts, attorneys, and mesothelioma sufferers view asbestos as a material developed and used only in the 19th century. But in fact, asbestos was first discovered and named by the ancient Greeks. In this article, we will examine the facts of asbestos use throughout the ages. We will see what was known about the dangers of asbestos cancer, and when mesothelioma and asbestosis began to be recognized as the tragic illnesses they are known to be today.

Asbestos And Mesothelioma: From The Ancient World To The 21st Century

In ancient Rome, asbestos fibers were uses to make clothing flame retardant. In Greece, the fibers were used to make other textiles. In Persia, garments were prized for their ability to be cleaned over a fire, instead of with water. In China, Marco Polo describes similar items that were "washed" by being dropped into flames. These clothes could only have been made from asbestos. After the fall of the Roman Empire and the fade of the great empires of the east, the use of asbestos seemed to stop.

As of 1860, asbestos had appeared again across the United States and Canada, mostly used as insulation within buildings. In 1879, the first commercial asbestos mine appeared in Canada, just outside of Quebec. By the turn of the century, asbestos use was much more common: flame-resistant coatings, concrete, flooring, roofing, acid resistant materials, and lawn furniture all had asbestos components.

With the rise of asbestos use came the first recorded death as a result of mesothelioma asbestos cancer. In 1906, an asbestos miner died of asbestos cancer, but his cause of death was not established until later. However, further instances of mesothelioma -- still diagnosed as an unknown lung disorder -- were observed throughout the early 20th century, particularly in asbestos mining towns.

Libby, Montana is a modern example of a mining town contaminated with asbestos. The EPA has been attempting to clean up Libby for 10 years, but 200 people thus far have died from asbestos exposure, with over 1,000 sickened. The town was contaminated by a nearby vermiculite mine, its residents threatened by waste products and discarded materials from mining operations.

The town of Libby has been stricken by asbestos contamination despite modern day interventions. In the early days, before mesothelioma was recognized or asbestos poisoning considered, towns were even more dramatically impacted. Yet even now, when the dangers of asbestos, as well as its links with mesothelioma, are clear, company negligence still goes unpunished. The company responsible for the mine that contaminated Libby was recently acquitted in a trial centered around the deaths in the town. The mining company will face no penalty, despite the hundreds of asbestos poisoning deaths and thousands of asbestos-related illnesses in Libby.

The First Diagnosis Of Asbestos Cancer, Asbestosis, And Mesothelioma

In 1924, a doctor in England recognized the pattern of illness and made the first diagnosis of asbestos cancer. At the time, it was called asbestosis and the existence of mesothelioma remained unknown. Nonetheless, the initial diagnosis created a wave of laws about asbestos handling -- at least in England. The United Kingdom began regulating ventilation and established asbestosis as an "excusable work related disease" in the 1930s. The United States did not take the same measures until nearly 10 years later.

Around 1930, the medical community was beginning to investigate mesothelioma, at that time a new disease with strange symptoms and little information. They could only observe the symptoms: coughing, shortness of breath, and generalized chest/lung pain. Mesothelioma was not connected to asbestos nor suggested as asbestos cancer until 1940.

What Did Companies Know About The Hazards Of Asbestos Exposure?

The basis of mesothelioma and asbestos cancer legislation is that many asbestos companies knew the material was dangerous, but did not protect workers and customers from these known dangers. Court documents have shown that companies began to learn about asbestos related health hazards as early as 1930, but despite this knowledge, they did nothing to keep workers or consumers safe. Instead, they allowed asbestos use to grow even as diagnoses of mesothelioma and asbestos cancer grew as well.

Although limited through a lawsuit, the Environmental Protection Agency issued a rule in 1989 that allows only trace amounts of asbestos to appear in modern building materials. Even though lingering asbestos contamination remains and threatens citizens, the modern world now recognizes the dangers of asbestos and no longer uses it as a primary material.

The Dangers Of Natural Asbestos

Although asbestos exposure occurs most commonly through contact with asbestos mines or products made from asbestos, there are also a shockingly large number of so-called asbestos "occurrences" throughout the U.S. These sites are not commonly monitored by the EPA, nor has much been done to clean them up or protect surrounding communities.

An asbestos "occurrence" is defined as a place where asbestos has been observed, but not mined or prospected for mining. These veins of asbestos can be shallow enough that asbestos dust rises into the air, making the name "occurrences" misleading - they're more like "hazards." There are 205 such documented occurrences throughout the eastern part of the U.S., and most of these have been discovered through anecdotal evidence rather than active surveys. The government has helped to clean up commercial asbestos use, but they have done little to control the dangers of exposure to the material in its natural state. Even when not manufactured or milled, asbestos and its fibers can cause mesothelioma, asbestos cancer, asbestos poisoning, and all the other horrific conditions that can result from the disease.

Mesothelioma and Asbestos Cancer Today

Although asbestos has been regulated for 20 years, mesothelioma lawsuits are still being filed today because of the long incubation period of the disease. The cancer frequently requires 20-50 years between exposure and the manifestation of symptoms, meaning that many workers who handled asbestos during the height of its use are only just starting to show symptoms. Sadly, the numbers of lawsuits are only expected to increase. Asbestos cancer is tragic, and has been tragic throughout history. But today we can fight back against the companies that failed to protect us, and we can know that the world is safer for our children.

Joe Belluck is a top malignant mesothelioma attorney and founder of mesothelioma law firm Belluck & Fox, LLP. He has worked on hundreds of asbestos cancer lawsuits.


Selasa, 02 Februari 2010

What is the Difference Between a Hospital Pharmacist and a Clinic Pharmacist

Hospital pharmacists are different with respect to the provision of pharmaceutical services for a number of different types of hospitals and hospital pharmacists from other types of drugs, including clinical pharmacy, for example. Some hospital pharmacists have more complex tasks such as managing the complex clinical problems of the drug had normal clinical pharmacists to employ. In addition, community pharmacists have taken other things in general on issues of business and customer data for the type of relationship considered.

In addition, the clinical pharmacist a person, patient care, especially for optimizing the use of drugs, while promoting the general welfare of the entire health and prevention and offers. The purpose of a clinical pharmacist is to serve patients in a health center. The clinical pharmacy movement initially began in clinics and hospitals, clinics and pharmacists are forced to deal with health care professionals such as doctors and nurses who work, for example.

Despite a clinical pharmacist more hands who work with patients, hospital pharmacists are usually in hospitals, but not connected directly with patients. Hospital pharmacists work in hospital pharmacies, which for a much wider range of drugs than other types of pharmacies, including some drugs that are specifically designed for research or shop specializing in nature. Hospital pharmacists work for recipes that are called by doctors, surgeons and other medical staff on hospital premises to fill. To keep control of the same pharmacy for a normal community pharmacist, the prescription to obtain the name of a physician or patient.

The biggest difference between a hospital pharmacist and clinical pharmacist, then the amount of hands on patient care in the name of the pharmacist. Hospital pharmacists mainly deal in prescription drugs, fill out the script and working with physicians. In addition, the target is a clinical pharmacist to do the same with the addition of more hands on the patient. This is because of the pharmaceutical factory of a movement that has emerged as a clinical pharmacy need for more hands to physicians and other medical personnel, is generated.

Both drugs produce their effects, especially in the medical field. The hospital pharmacist is working, as needed, and the clinical pharmacist works closely with patients to ensure that the rules are correct and that the requested health and well-being favors, especially with medical staff to ensure that the requirements will be distributed. As a hospital pharmacist, who works primarily with the healthcare workers in hospitals, the clinical pharmacist is more likely to work directly with patients to ensure that prescription drugs are based on reasonably available.

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